Hangeseilbrucke Geierlay- Suspension Rope Bridge

Spent the morning hiking near Moersdorf especially so that I could walk across the longest rope bridge in Germany.

When you wake up early on a Saturday, you deserve a sunrise like this one!

 Side of the barn on the road along the way.

 Moersdorf was a super cute town.

Made it out to the bridge pretty quick (it was downhill most of the way there- a sign of things to come….). It was a little breezy and I was the only one out there- I was a little nervous about walking across it all alone (would anyone find my body if I fell over the edge?!?)

The view was pretty spectacular though!

Made it to the other side without falling off 🙂

This bridge was probably more impressive from below (where the trail went next).

 A little bit of flower and fauna along the way.

The hike back was not as easy- lots of uphill (like REALLY uphill!) and pretty muddy.

In typical German fashion, when a tree falls on the trail, they just build steps around it 🙂

It was a beautiful morning for a hike and I’m so lucky to have had the trail to myself, it was beyond peaceful and exactly what I needed!

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