
So sad it was our last day in Croatia!!

Spent a little of the morning wandering around Pula in the daylight.

 The Arena from the gardens

 This huge picture frame is pretty cool!

 Twin Gates

 Central Gate

 The Forum in the daylight- it’s just such an odd structure!

 Found James Joyce taking it easy in a cafe. Randomly finding him here made me google what his connection was to this city in Croatia.  Apparently Joyce eloped with his future wife and was posted here as an English instructor teaching Austro-Hungarian naval officers. This cafe is the ground floor of the language school he used to teach at.  In the 6 months that he was in Pula, he wrote much of what became Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (not my favorite book in High School!).  Joyce didn’t really appreciate Pula (much like us) and found a job in Trieste ASAP.  Funny that they celebrate him so much here with all the pretty horrible things he wrote about the place!

 A poster for the restaurant that we spent both of our nights at- for posterity (and because in a month a won’t remember the name of it when someone asks me where they should go for great atmosphere and amazing pizza in Pula!)

 Found a poster for the concert last night.  Apparently, he’s a HUGE deal.

 There is a new Olive Oil Museum in Pula and, in my opinion, it is the shining start of this little city.

The exhibit itself was really well done and I can’t say enough about how friendly the people were!
I learned SO much that I had absolutely no idea about.  At the tasting at the end, the woman said working there and tasting the oil had ruined her for restaurants that don’t use good oil– I can totally understand where she’s coming from now!

 This is the oil I brought back from Croatia- and it’s WONDERFUL!

 Then we hopped in our fancy car and drove to Rovinj which had been recommended on a couple blogs as well as from our friends on the boat. So glad we listened to them!

 Rovinj is the beautiful little village crowded onto this peninsula that jets out into the Adriatic Sea, topped by a church (that reminded me slightly of Mt Saint Michel)

 The sunniest little market

 The limestone streets reminded me of the southern Croatia towns of last year’s trip

 They were steep and I wasn’t the only one worried about my footing in flip-flops! Surprisingly, didn’t see anyone completely eat it, but it was close a few times.

 Tower of St Euphemia

 Found one last gelato with quite a view! Had to have some special gelatos to celebrate the end of our wonderful trip.

We could have spent all day here.  I’m so glad that this was how we finished up another amazing trip to Croatia- my favorite place in Europe (it’s official btw haha).

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