Pula- and not our best day

There is always that one day of vacation that doesn’t seem to quite go your way.  When the vacation has been as amazing as this one has been so far, even a few bumps in the road can feel horrific! haha perspective, right?
So today was that day, and you can tell because I only have 3 (truly I have 5, but you’re not getting the last 2 or our tired-ass faces haha) pictures from the whole day.
It was the day we got off the boat (which would have been hard no matter what) and made our way to Pula- our base-camp for the rest of our time in Croatia.
We woke up to rain #1, then our bus from Opatija was late (like almost 2 hours late)… and remember, it was raining- so yeah, I was in a GREAT mood already haha. Then the driver, in trying to make up for his lateness took every curve at breakneck speed (and there were a lot of curves!).  I don’t get car sick, but even I wasn’t feeling awesome by the time we finally arrived in Pula.
Then there was the hike to our AirBnB through a city that didn’t exactly inspire the love I hold so deeply for the rest of Croatia.  Our place was nice enough, but Pula is not my favorite city of them all.
The Arena is probably the most picturesque of the sights in Pula- or at least the most dominant. It is supposedly the 6th largest colosseum in the world.  It is used for concerts these days, which is kind of cool.

After an expensive taxi ride to the airport (that the bus had just driven by on our way into town- grrr) and WAY too long of a wait for our rental car (which actually ended up being a really great excuse to upgrade and drive a BMW X1 haha), we headed back to Pula and became all that more angry and frustrated by the immense number of people and very limited parking available in the city. We were pretty much done.
We thought we were just settling when we saw a big sign for this restaurant, Cafe Juniper, but little did we know we had stumbled across a 30 year-old family restaurant with AMAZING pizza. And we got a few more Radlers in (they are much more fruity here than back in Germany!).

We were pretty much done though.  Besides having a pretty rough day, we needed to go to bed early in order to ensure we were leaving Pula by 4 am to make it to Plivice Lakes!

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