Pasta-Making Fools

What do cool people do on Sunday nights? Make pasta from scratch, of course! (and drink some wine out of big glasses). So glad Matt is ‘all in’ and created the most amazing meat sauce (seemingly simmering all day) and that Megan loves her pasta attachment on her Kitchaid so much haha (see me?… helping?) […]

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24 Hours in London

Because…. why not?! I’m not joking, my plane landed just 23.5 hours before my return one left.  After a quick (but horrible) bout of food poisoning the night before (seriously, worst timing) I wasn’t up for much of the hoped-for varied cuisine I had been looking forward to, but I did see a few of […]

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Whimsical Krakow

Last day in Krakow I, again, took to the streets on foot.Empty Chair Memorial in Plac Bohaterow Getta (Plac Zgody).  In 1941, this was the Jewish ghetto.  It represents a time when people’s belongings were pulled out of their houses and strewn across the square.  There are 68 chairs, each representing 1000 people from Krakow […]

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Somber, But Important Day

Today was a long day- physically and emotionally.  I took a tour that took us to the concentration camps and then to a salt mine.  The experience of going to the camps was hard, but important, especially with everything going on right now. As it was when I visited Dachau a year ago, it intermittently […]

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Say Yes to Adventure

I’ll admit, this was kind of a random trip.  I didn’t want to waste a rare 3-day weekend, and Krakow was a cheap option.  My sister gave me this keychain for Christmas and it was pretty spot-on “Say Yes to Adventure” especially when I had to brave new snowfall to get to the airport at […]

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That’s more like it!

This is what I meant by more snow- so exciting!! Even got a snow day- that hasn’t happened in a long time!There was so much snow even the Germans had a hard time keeping the main roads clear (which never happens).This is officially my favorite way to start the morning.  Ahh look at all that […]

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New Year’s Trip

So technically this trip started in 2016, but it was really my first trip of the new year.  And what a great start to 2017! This is going to be a long one, but it does cover 3 days.It seemed slightly lower-key that other trips I’ve taken (maybe only to me!) but it was incredibly […]

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