Last Day in Stockholm

Spent my last day in Stockholm on a boat exploring the Swedish Archipelago- and it was beautiful!Wandered down to the docks  And boarded a boat The Vasa and Nordic Museums  Out here is where everyone is Stockholm has their summer houses- so jealous! After a wonderful meal onboard, I had to head to the airport […]

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Last Day of the Conference

Last day of the Early Intervention Conference and I was incredibly impressed by this woman, Dr. Pia Rebello Brito from UNICEF.  She contributes to this documentary The Beginning of Life (which you should totally watch right now- it’s on Netflix AND YouTube!). She was so brilliant and well spoken. A great end to the conference. […]

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Party at City Hall

Part of the Early Intervention Conference was an invitation to a reception at City Hall.  Not only is City Hall pretty gorgeous, it’s also the place where the annual Nobel Prize Dinner is held.  The reception was held in the Blue Room.  Your eyes do not deceive you, this room is not blue.  This whole […]

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Seeing the Sun in Stockholm

Only when you’re stationed in Europe is it economically savvy to go to an international conference in Stockholm, Sweden.  What luck!I got there a day early for the conference- which is a lot of time when the sun stays out until almost 11:30 pm.Talk about luck, the Stockholm Public Library was right around the corner […]

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One Month!

One month and I get to see these guys- so excited!! (and I can’t keep from laughing every time I see this picture haha)

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