Leiden and The Hague

We started our last morning of Spring Break heading to Lieden.  After I almost got us run over by a bus going the wrong way down a one-way street (oops!) we found this cute place to get breakfast. We had the MOST incredible pancakes- you would not believe it! Then we wandered along the canals […]

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The Keukenhof

Because one trip is never enough, and because the timing was close-ish, I decided to try and catch the tulip fields blooming in Holland.  Upon researching this, I found there is a beautiful not-so-little garden that has the highest number of flower species in the Netherlands called the Keukenhof. I knew we were heading up […]

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End of Gelato Time- sad face

Our last day in Italy started with rain… sad! It was a blessing in disguise though cause it forced us to find a real place to have breakfast-the Blue Marlin and it was amazing!  Besides the fact that it was insanely cute inside, the food was great!  Of course we had a little while before […]

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Hiking Off the Gelato

Cinque Terre is known for its hiking- mostly because there are no cars allowed in these little towns and the (hilly!) trails are the quickest way to get from on to the other. Only 2 of the trails are currently open, but they are the 2 most breathtaking!We started by taking one of the first […]

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Buonjiorno Italia!I

For the first half of our week we went in search of some sun for Easter, so we headed to Italy- the towns of Cinque Terre specifically!First a plane to Pisa and then a train to Vernazza, Carrera, as in Carrara Marble (that white stuff in the mountains is not snow…).  This is Michelangelo’s marble […]

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Spring Break 2016!

Get ready… my best friend came to Germany and we had an EPIC week of Spring Break- the first one I’ve had in like 6 years!I was really mean and made her play hard-core tourist in my neck of the woods after taking the red-eye from New York.  She knows me, she knows what she […]

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Goodbye Iceland… For Now

Had a few hours of sleep but I  couldn’t waste my last morning in Iceland.  This time in Reykjavik it was a little sunnier (but I may have still been on a high from the day before)The bay was as beautiful in the daylight  So was the Sun Voyager  The Harpa Concert Hall  Also beautiful […]

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Lagoons and Horses of Iceland

Google (or Pinterest) Iceland and inevitably you will see a picture of the Blue Lagoon. I read a lot about the Blue Lagoon before heading to Iceland and I found a reoccurring theme….. it’s an overpriced tourist attraction (there are free and near-free natural springs all over Iceland) but  there is no other place like […]

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