Willkommen in Deutschland

It’s been a crazy, but productive first week in Germany.  
I’ve got a house (as long as the contract gets signed next week, which it SHOULD)- and it’s gorgeous by the way 😉
I got my car (license and registration done too) on Thursday.
I’ve got computer access at work and am plowing through my checklist.
(in case you are not aware- it’s amazing that all that got done my first 4 days in country!)
At least for the next week though, the Inn is where I’m calling home. It’s actually very nice.

 These are lavender fields that will be on my way to my house- seriously 🙂

 Tonight, I crashed a going away party for someone I’ve never met 😉 He was super nice though, and was more than happy to have me there.  It was at a Biergarten- the beer here is SOOOO good!

 and I had my first schnitzel (with beer sauce).  It was quite good.

 This was taken at 9:30 pm on our way home- I am loving that it stays light for so long, though I know this is not going to stick around for much longer.  It will be dark more often than not in a few months- it will definitely be an adjustment!

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