Nighttime Dreams and Daytime Wishes Come True

I’ll admit, some times I’m the crazy one in my family.  I’m sure Aubrey thought I was when I pitched her the idea of going out to the Columbia River Gorge at midnight on Friday to take pictures of stars. Even if she did think I was crazy, she said yes anyways. SOOOO worth it! -and she was an awesome assistant 😉

 When I first made my plans to come to Portland this time, Kylie asked me if there was anything I wanted to see/do that I haven’t in all my other trips.  I told her is was kind of silly, but I wanted to go to Cathedral Park under St John’s Bridge.  Well, she made my wish come true!
The back-seat crew.

 Over St John’s Bridge

 Then from the park.  It’s such a beautiful view!

 Nina is definitely equal parts beautiful and down-right silly.
This is her being a crab- I was laughing so hard, I’m surprised I actually got a picture haha

 This pretty girl -sigh- it took everything we all had to try to get her to smile!

 Caught one!

 Aaaannnddd, it’s gone again.

 Favorite picture. She’s so angry!!!

 What’s down there Auntie Aubrey??

 It was safe, I swear!

 Making wishes

 Aubrey, Kylie and I had a few hours of sister-bonding doing each other’s hair (took me back like 20 years haha) and then we all had BBQ in Laura and Neil’s garden.

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